Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I have to rumble

Maybe it's the heat, I don't complain too much, I keep a lot to myself in a lot of cases but today I am rumbling because it never fails. I recently got some income tax return money, and, thinking maybe now I can afford to get the wireless set up I have been wanting and I would have faster than this stupid snail speed dial up. Well today may have just ruined that very much anticipated thinking. I was going to town to do a few groceries and on my way the car started to hurk and jerk, not bad but I wasn't feeling comfortable about the drive so I immediately turned around and went home. I got hubs to take a peek and well one thing led to another and as he was going to take it for a test drive I noticed some oil on the driveway, but, it wasn't the good oil, it was transmission oil. So JB pulls back in as I am showing him and popped the hood and found out by the dip stick I had next to no transmission oil left and I could have really done in my engine had I not come home when I did. Anyways the ole Monte Carlo is in the shop and when they can look at it then they will call. I also have been putting off a new gas tank, I can only put in no more than half a tank and it all comes pouring out after half a tank. So needless to say, looks like all that money I got back is going to the car. I will have to wait for wireless for now. Never fails...you finally get a bit of money that you actually could use for yourself and then you end up giving it to someone else. Doesn't life work funny that way?Oh well at least I knew to come home, wasnt' stranded anywhere. Today is so humid and hot they were telling peeps to keep the animals indoors and stay cool and drink lots of fluids.
No one got hurt and I trusted my womanly instincts.
Ok enough rumbling, tomorrow will be a better day....at least I hope.
Have a great day everyone.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Tea card fun

Remember as a kid your parents if they drank Red Rose tea, they would give you those cute little tea cards?
Well while I was blogging around on dial up the other night ,which was painfully slow, I found a  challenge blog through another blogger's site and it is called Just For Fun. I was taking a peek at this new little blog and the thing that most attracted me to it was you don't need a lot of fancy name brand items, just use stuff in your stash and create with what you have on hand, no prizes, no sponsors, just make some friends and share your creations with them. So this weeks challenge was to make tea cards.
As you know I was playing with those magnets and I have really been taken with my oil pastels so I decided to make a few tea cards. Well one turned into 2 then turned into a few more and a few more and so on.
Yikes I am still making them. The idea of tea cards from the original designs are they measure 1 1/2 x 2 1/2 with a white border around them and if you remember they often ran in series. As well they were brightly coloured.
So I dug out my stamps, black ink, white card stock, oil pastels and did some playing.
I first made a border to fit around my tea card. How did I do that? I cut many tea cards out and took one and measured 1/8th of an inch in from each side, I marked with the pencil at the top and bottom all around. I connected the markings so you have a thin border around and a rectangle in the center. I used a straight edge and lined up the lines and carefully with a craft knife trimmed the inside out. Next I placed repositional glue from my little pen all along the border and let it dry it. This remains tacky but not gluey if you let it sit and tack up, if you put it directly onto the paper when the glue is still blue and wet it will stay there permanently and I did not want that. I wanted to be able to remove it once  I was done colouring inside the tea card. Once the border was tacked up I then placed it around the outside edges of my tea card. I stamped images in black for a bold look. Some images I embossed with black EP some I just left the black ink. Then if I wanted more stamping like the bird with the script I stamped another bird then cut it out as a mask, placed it over the existing image, stamped the script then removed the mask. I then started colouring with my pastels. The butterflies I used a marker to colour them in to reveal bright bold colours. The pastels are scribbled on then smudged and blended then I took a tissue and rubbed most of it off. I did find if you want a thin border around your image then do that first before applying the pastels as the oil in the pastels resists ink. You don't have to even put a thin border but in some cases it adds a nice touch. After you are done colouring your backgrounds then remove that thin border carefully and you now have a white border around your tea card. These would look really nice on small cards as your main image, you could put them on ATC's. you could use them to put your artist info on the back and send along with your trades or you could simply do a series of them and trade them. How fun would that be????

I hope you enjoy these tea cards. A great way to use up scraps of your white card stock. You could even use Twinkling H20's, watercolours, paint, etc. Use whatever you like and whatever you have on hand. Remember tho that you must do the required size and the white border.
Thanks for dropping.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

♫A Musical themed matchbox♫

Well finally we saw the sun today with some cloud mixed in but for the most part the temperature is just right for me and hubs. The grass got cut and I have been wandering around the yard, looking at the bird houses with twigs packed in so tight I wonder how the little warblers get themselves in there. I picked a large bouquet of Lily of the Valley and the sweet smell of lilacs fill the air. Oh spring has finally arrived and it is always so nice to see new birth and growth right before my eyes.

Today I want to show you my music themed matchbox for my partner for the Monthly Matchbox Yahoo group. I hope Jennifer likes it and I have stuffed some goodies inside as well but sure was hard to find music themed items so I did the best I could.
I embossed the paper first with a Crafts Too music embossing folder in the Cuttle Bug, then inked the music notes in black. We were to use black somewhere in or on the box. Then I quilled some red roses, punched some fern and rose leaves and ripped a bit of hymnal music paper and folded it accordion style before placing the bouquet on the paper then attached to the box. I copied on transparency Beethoven and applied it to the drawer but you can't see it in this photo as the drawer is full of little prizes. Then I decided I would make Jennifer my new addiction, a music themed magnet. If you saw my post yesterday you will see how I made these. I used the bird image from my recently purchased Lisa's Altered Art bird collage sheet. I made some fun foam music notes for a stamp. I printed off this nice verse about birds,( click for a larger view), then I applied the 2x3 paper to photo magnetic sheet. I also applied a thin layer of hair spray (cheap stuff) with a paint brush to seal in the pastels. I love how these are turning out and I am making more. Such fun and nice little gifties to give to a swap partner. I hope Jennifer likes it and the box.

Well that's it for today.
Thanks for dropping by and I want to say again and again, I love your comments. I makes me keep blogging and I am so happy to make new friends who share the same interests as myself.
Be creative and make someone happy.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Have you ever stunned yourself?

Creative wise? Well I did and I must say I really think I am onto something. I got a book from my library and it was about stamping and different ideas etc. There was a masking tutorial in the book and I got to looking at it and said I have done this but what if I masked a photo and did some stamping around the image that is printed on a medium card stock instead of masking the actual stamped image? So I went to work. I cut out a frame from card stock to stand up to some abuse, Then I looked through some images I had and I also purchased some images recently online from Lisa's Altered Art and set up a grid in my editing program so the images were sized to what I wanted. I printed them off and then I made a grey scale copy of the exact images I just printed in colour. I then took my masking images and cut them all out. /I applied this repositional glue stick to them (like the glue on sticky notes) to the back and let them sit til I was ready to apply them to the card stock.  I then took that frame I made and positioned it over the image I wanted to work on. I used stamps, embossing powders etc and then used oil pastels to colour my backgrounds. I must say, beside paints, I love my oil pastels. They truly are an amazing medium to work with and the colours blend beautifully together. I end up taking a lot of the pastel off with a tissue which leaves more of a stain on the paper but oh so cool. After you are done any stamping embossing and colouring, lift your mask and voila`. Now what I also did I repositioned the frame before I cut my pieces out, I took a fine tip black marker and made a border, this also serves as a cutting guide. You could also just do this and cut then decorate your little collaged pieces it is up to you.
Then.....I took a photo magnetic sheet I had in my stash, removed the paper backing to reveal the sticky backing then placed my image on the magnetic sheet. Pressed down  cut it out and this is what it looks like. I was stunned. Just another little idea for you, give as a little gifty to a friend, teacher, hostess, stocking stuffer, give along with a trade partner. These have endless possibilities. I have a couple peeps I will be sending these to.
Be careful you may get a little addicted to these.
Thanks for dropping by, I hope you had a nice long weekend for those of you who live in Canada.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Another door tag and a matchbox

As you can see I am a little addicted to these door tags. I am not even sure what I am going to do with them, maybe a trade or just give as little stocking stuffers at Christmas, but, I have had this idea in my head for ages. I was making myself laugh the whole time making this but it wasn't as easy as it looks.
I first tried to make a texture template for the background. As you can see I wanted to make a card theme. The template was made of chipboard as I read how to make one in Stamper's Sampler magazine but I think the chipboard was not thick enough as it all flattened out in the Cuttlebug. So what to do, well I made a stencil instead and then put my paper over the stencil and basically did a dry emboss. So then I took the stencil and placed it back over the raised edges and inked the clubs, diamonds etc. in alternating black and red. I then inked the whole tag  in java ink. I found a toilet line drawing online, I had to edit the baby boy then printed him out and coloured his towel around him with pencil crayons. Stamped and embossed in gold a crown for his head. I found a Royal Flush card graphic online and printed out my letters and put it all together.
If you want to check out Jeanie's door challenge just click on the door tag to the right of the screen and it will take you directly to the post of how to do the challenge.

Next is a matchbox I have had made forever for the Vintage Dragon Fly's FlickR group. Our next swap is Treasures of the Sea. I covered my matchbox in a fine grit light coloured sand paper then painted the sea scene in acrylic paints. This was totally freehand. I think I did pretty good and finding sea items to fill the box was a bit of a challenge but I think Anna of Frosted Petunias will like it.
I recently heard at the Post Office there may be a strike starting sometime next week unless things are settled before then so I need to get my swaps and items out by Tues. Monday is a holiday here in Canada, Victoria Day so needless to say everything will be closed.
That's it for now.
Hope you all have a wonderful and creative weekend.

An ARTCHIX Eco Shape Challenge

Happy Friday everyone and today is the start of our long weekend, Monday is Victoria Day.
JB and I will also be celebrating 20 years in this house. Seems almost yesterday we stepped into our house. What a mess, we wondered what we got ourselves into. Anyways a long story and not going to elaborate on it now.
I wanted so show you this cool Eco Shape, an arch with a door that is also a separate Eco shape from Artchix Studio. Recently I had placed an order and I received the arch and the door with instructions if I wanted to alter it or decorate it then place it on the Facebook page for all to see and a chance to win something.
Well here is my piece.
I covered the arch with some pink with blue flower scrap paper that has been hanging around for ages. Then I just lightly dry brushed the paper to tone the pink down with white acrylic paint. I added some gold German scrap after inking all the edges with some Turquoise ink. I then covered the door front and back part with the same paper but did not dry brush it as I wanted the door to stand out, I then painted the frame with Indian Turquoise acrylic paint and the eco shape cat that I had ordered. The I Love my Cat is also an Artchix image which is placed behind the door then attached to the Arch, and where the hole for the window is I placed an acrylic half bubble(which I also ordered)  so the cat's head can be seen through it. LOL
After the turquoise cat was painted I covered with a paint brush 2 layers of Turquoise Stickles then when that  was dry I applied a coat of Glossy Accents. I then found a pink bingo card that someone gave me but sure looks like an Artchix bingo card but not sure and cut out 4 numbers then placed it on the house then the cat in the center of it. I also added German Scrap at the bottom edge of either side of the door and at the top corners of the door frame. This was fun.
I have 2 pics here to show the door closed then the door open so you can see the full image.
Thanks for looking, now off to post on Facebook then I am going to make another post to show you a few other items I have been working on.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Check this Blog Candy Giveaway by Gerri Herbst

You must go check out this amazing Paper Artist, Gerri Herbst.
I was first inspired by Gerri's work after seeing many of her creations posted on the Ning Group, Bella Creations, and over at Gingersnap Creations.
Gerri is posting a wonderul blog giveaway called 100 for 100, meaning 100 items for getting 100 followers. As I was signing up I was #173 so I believe Gerri has surpassed her number with flying colours.
Go check it out and take a peek at her amazing work.
Hope you all had a great day.
Mine was spent cleaning house, washing floors and potting plants between showers outside. It was a productive day and I am off to bed soon.
As always, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving me such inspiring comments.
Lesley ♥

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Altered paper tea cups

Who doesn't drink a cup of tea now and again? If you are not a tea totler then you don't know what you are missing. Tea is a comforter when you have a problem, many things have been discussed, problems solved, secrets revealed, friends made over a cup of tea. Teas come in all flavours offer soothing results when you are cold or help settle a stomach after a heavy meal.
Tea cups come in all shapes, sizes and patterns and here I want to share these paper tea cups I conjured up after seeing some inspiration in the latest Stamper's Sampler magazine I recently purchased. Every magazine they have a template and then ask you to use that template in a challenge. Well I didn't get the magazine with the tea cup template so I searched after oohhing and ahhing over the eye candy in the magazine and here are a few to share with you and the template I found if you care to make some of your own.
These can also be made into a card if you just cut them with the fold at the top of the cup but I just made my cups so I can add my info on the back and maybe give along with any swaps I make or to even just add the cup to a regular card with a little message. These would be great to trade as well or in a challenge. HINT HINT
So first of all here is the template you can tweek to the size you would like to make for yourself.
And here are 4 examples of what I did. Of course I had to do a couple Asian themes, remember these were just quick  to show you but I have many other ideas that I think would be great to trade or give. Again HINT HINT.

I hope you would like to share any altered tea cups with me. I would love to see what you come up with and if you would like I could make up a challenge page....again HINT HINT.
My friend Jeanie got me thinking about templates and many are free and online so what a great way to even make up little books or whatever you like to do.
Remember Jeanie's door tag challenge....click on the door tag link  for deets.
Thanks for dropping by again friends.

Ginger Gem strikes again

I just had an email from my friend Jeanie congratulating me on being a Ginger Gem. Woot woot, I went over to Gingersnap Creations and they have chosen my fan made of polymer clay on a frame for one of 10 chosen Gingers. You can see the wrap up post here and all the lovely creations.
Thanks so much for chosing my creation. I love anything Asian. This was fun and really quite quick and easy.
Stay tuned for my altered paper tea cups. Now this you might want to swap or do a challenge.

Monday, May 16, 2011

More Door Tags....

This past weekend was miserable outside and when stuck inside what to do....well I can always find something to do, clean up the house-NOT, laundry-NOt, make meals....only when necessary, or make more door tags.
I got this idea after getting an order I had placed with Artchix and I got a mermaid pkg with images and a couple of  chipboard mermaid tails. So I got thinking why not make some mermaids on door tags and this is what I came up with. These are not the mermaids out of my order but I did trace one of the tails onto card stock after I had stamped and embossed in gold EP the Clearly Impressed background stamp from Stampington onto white card stock. Then I got out 3 colours of my Twinkling H2o's and painted and blended the 3 colours randomly all over the sheet. I then cut out my tails. Now they look scaly and more like fish tails. I then printed off just the top part of the ladies bodies, attached the tails. I also ran some gel pens along the edges of the tails and rubbed the ink with my fingers to just darken them  and stand out on the background papers. I embossed my tags using a CB EF and then just played with finishing touches.
I love how these turned out and off to post my link again on Jeanie's blog.
If you would like to play along simply click on Jeanie's Door Tag Challenge button to the right of the screen and it will take you directly to the link with all the deets.
I will say these are addicting and fun and a great way to use up scraps and just bring stuff out you have forgotten about and just play.
Thanks for dropping by and stay tuned for more of my musings.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Door tag challenge entry

My friend Jeanie of All of My Art  is hosting a Door Tag Challenge and you can find all the deets over there. Jeanie surely has whipped up a great idea by taking a door tag template she found on the internet and altered it. So after seeing several of her creations I said hey why not try it.
Well if you know me, I can't just do something simple, I have to really fiddle and fart around and add and remove and think and ponder, drag out my embellies and so forth. Well I got the Cuttlebug out after I cut my tag out and I ran some paper through it that you can sand then it removes the top layer and reveal the white core paper underneath, thanks Mum for the paper!!! Then I proceeded to embellish with an image I found already printed off and fit the colours beautifully, I added some K and Company pre cut flower embelly at the top, I found some precut border and added it to the bottom then a layer of lace on top of that and added some beads, a transparent butterfly, a word sticker and I inked the edges with some Dusty Concord DI.
That was it. Sounds like I just whipped it together that fast....well not really. My first idea didn't work so this was my second and I really like it. I can't wait to show you my next door tag, it will be sort of water or bathroom related. Oh the fun of it all.

These would make great gifts for your kids, hostess gifts, a shower gift. There are so many possibilities really. A door tag for the craftroom, DO NOT DISTURB I am Musing.
Thanks Jeanie for a great challenge. Wouldn't this make a great swap idea too?
I have a couple template ideas to alter. Can't wait to show you  when I get to them.

Next are some more key tags that I worked on earlier this week. I discoverd that rub ons work great on this surface as well. If you do any of these just remember to make sure you use a good sealer on them. Afterall they will get tossed around, dropped etc and to do all that artwork then to be ruined is very upsetting.
Take a look at the dragon flies and that birdcage....rub ons. Cool huh?
I took a trip to Loew's this week, a few days earlier I was at Home Depot to get tags. Now I have plenty to make and have on hand.

I recently sent a few to a blogger follower in England as she was unable to find any. I don't mind as I think in return I will be getting a key tag made by her. Can't wait.
If you have made any tags, please let me know. Just drop a post or click on my email tag on the side and let me see what you have created. Afterall it's all about sharing isn't it?

And finally, remember in my Giveaway I recently had, there was a homemade stamp included, the umbrella man, well I made a tiny stamp to do for my friend Lori on a domino. Lori and I have been exchanging altered dominoes coming up  a year soon. We pick themes ,then every month we send each other a domino in that theme. It has resulted in some great artwork exchanged between us.  This month we were to represent spring. I took a bit of a different take on it because spring means rain, rain means flowers and new growth. So here is my Umbrella Man, I alcohol inked the background, stamped with a newsprint small stamp on the background in StazOn, then I stamped Umbrella Man over top with Black StazOn again. Added some flowers for a bit of bling and there you have it.

Well that is it. It is raining here today so I had fun creating, watching a couple movies, a bit of housework and now just taking it easy.
Thanks for dropping by and I always love hearing from you.
Take care friends.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Winner of my Giveaway

Congratulations to the winner of my giveway....Valerie of Bastelmania aka CraftAttack.
Thank you so much everyone for dropping by, leaving lovely comments and wishing me birthday wishes.
I have emailed Valerie with info so when I receive your email back I will get your goody prize out to you following the weekend.
I have been one busy chick outside with hubs getting our veggie garden ready. There has been an explosion of carnivorous black flies. I am not sure if I hate mosquitoes or black flies more, they are equally something I do not care for. Weed control is outrageous but has to be done befoe tilling, gotta grab and toss those nasty root systems. Pansies are potted and placed on the deck, I bought some when I went to Loew's this week to up my supply for my key chains. I didn't feel so bad after buying something. I have a whack of them now they are so addicting. I will be posting some things over the weekend. Rain in the forecast so what a better way to catch up on challenges and create a bit too. 
Take care and thanks again for dropping by.
♥ Lesley ♥

Monday, May 9, 2011

It's time for a Giveaway

I am now just over 200 posts and 110 followers so that's a reason to celebrate plus I just had a birthday.
So to say thank you for listening to my dribble, and coming by to leave lovely comments and friendships I have made with most of you ,I would like to offer you this token of my appreciation.
Now this picture shows only a small sampling and since taking this photo I have made the pile grow a bit larger. Whatever I can fit into the box will be going to one lucky winner.
I will be running this giveaway til Friday May 13th.
What do you have to do...
1. Leave me a comment.
2. Become a follower if you are not already for another chance to win.
3. Grab and post my giveaway button on your blog and let other peeps know about the giveaway (but please leave your link so I can check your blog out if I haven't already). :)
4. If you leave an anonymous comment please give me a way to be able to contact you in case you win.

And that is it.
Whatever I can put in the growing box I will ,and you have til Friday. I will pick the winner and announce Friday evening.
Oh.... and see that ATC book with the Umbrella man? I made that as a stamp out of fun foam. It isn't a Tim Holtz it is a Harmony Road stamp. LOL You just put a bit of glue stick glue on either side, attach to your acrylic blog, use the stamp as you would any stamp. Remove and clean off the ink and the glue washes off as well,  ready to use next time, great thing about it is you can flip it unlike other stamps. I love my Umbrella man. I have a mini one too I used on a domino.
Take care and hurry on over and comment away.
Lesley ♥

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

To my dear Mum
for all you do and continue to do for me, for listening to me, giving advice and just being you.
I love you with all my

Happy Mother's Day to all my friends and family.
I hope you had a lovely day.

More musings to follow in the days to come.
Stay tuned.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

More of my Musings

Hi there peeps. Bet you thought I had drifted off to someplace unknown. Well I have been keeping a bit busy with travel and such and tomorrow is my birthday.
Yesterday I went to see my sister and we had a nice visit. We hadn't seen each other in quite some time and I got to view her new home and we had a good time catching up on things. Traffic was not so good coming back. I always question why construction on a busy highway and turning 2 lanes into one during the busy times of the day, it's like sitting in a parking lot and moving inches every few minutes. I am so glad I do not drive for a living. I do appreciate those who do but you are crazy to be putting up with that.

Onto better things. Take a look at these lovely flowers my big Sis gave me yesterday. They are sitting on my table where I create and they smell ever so loverly. Robin isn't really a computer girl but I will thank her here anyways just in case she comes by. They just brighten up the room.

Next, my friend Jeanie made some key tags from the little tutorial that I put up here a while ago made out of  samples for counter tops. Well last night after supper I was  feeling a little antsy so I put that energy to good use. I made up a few more. These ones had a plain cream background so I used my alcohol inks and then used Artchix images for the focal point and cut and added some words on a couple. The green one turned out really cool and of course green is my ultimate fav colour so it is already hanging on my key chain. Woo hoo I actually kept something I made. I really modged the image on there too so it won't come off very easily, and I used a gold paint pen to go around the border to give it a finished look.
These would make great gifties for MOTHER'S day which is coming up very shortly. HINT HINT Ü
And.... I know every one is so sick of winter and cold and snow but I have to show you these snowies.
I will be doing more of these for my fall shows but I was so happy with how they turned out I wanted to  make you smile Ü. The middle guy is my first one and I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out and it did better than I thought. These are gourds I grew in my garden last year. I had lots of them.
There is quite a process before the paint stage. We put them downstairs in our basement over the winter thinking the wood stove would help them go through the dry out process. Well we had all these little flies in the house and when I asked the girls in my paint group what was going on they all told me they just put them out in their garages. Well they get all moldy and when they are ready you have to clean this dirt and mould off them, dry them and then you can paint. YUCK but well worth it in the end.
The hats are made of air dry clay then painted and dry brushed as well as the noses and buttons.  
These are just my first and I hope to do some penguins and more snowies with different faces.
And, I have not forgotten about my giveaway.
I have been trying to make a few things and I will be going through some of my stash to put together a goody bag.
I am so happy to have to date 110 followers and over 200 posts.
I can't thank everyone enough for dropping by and leaving such lovely comments.
Stay tuned for my Blog Giveaway.
Tomorrow is my birthday so another reason to celebrate and give back to those that have been so generous to me.
Have a great day,

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Another Inkjet Transfer Tutorial

After visiting Inkstains with Roni and learning that she literally fell upon this neat inkjet transfer
by error, well I had to look into this.

Roni was using an ALL PURPOSE cleaner with Orange oil in it and well since here in Canada some of our products vary I thought immediately of Orange Glo. So I head out to buy Orange Glo while doing groceries, brought it home, tried it and no it didn’t work. Well I should have read Roni’s instructions a bit better because she said it was an ALL PURPOSE Cleaner, what I got was Orange Glo for furniture, it is a little heavier and more oily than I wanted thus it produced no results. Good thing I have wood furniture so I can still use it but I was still not going to be beaten by this result.

I was racking my brain thinking of what product could I get that had orange in it, well nothing other than Orange Glo but then I got to thinking and looking in my cleaning supplies and of course I had Pine Sol but with Lemon. I use it quite a bit now and love the lemon scent it has and just makes cleaning feel fresh but not overly sterile smelling.

So I opted to try it and I can’t wait to show you how very easy and readily available it is.

Here is what you need:

Pine Sol, I suggest Lemon Scent but if you have any other kind then try it first before running out to get the Lemon, the other Pine Sols MAY work but I am not going to tell you it does because I don’t have any other in the house.
A paint brush the size for an image, even a cotton swap would be fine, images either colour or B&W INKJET, receiving paper, cut size of ATC’s, use book pages, whatever you like even the center of a paper doily would be nice for a card and a small container to put some Pine Sol in. Bone folder for burnishing is optional as well as the cotton swabs, scissors for trimming images. 

Dip your brush into your Pine Sol.

Place your image face down on the receiving paper and brush the back of the image with the Pine Sol. You will start to see the image appear, keep brushing on Pine Sol til you have covered all of your image.

Now either take a cotton swap or your finger, doesn’t matter and start to burnish the image, keep moving around the whole image. Hold part of the image and lift to see how it is looking, if you are happy remove the image and look at your receiving paper. If you want to burnish it a bit more lay the paper back down and burnish a bit more even brush on a bit more Pine Sol.

Also something I noted, the inkjet ink does not bleed like other techniques, it stays put while you are burnishing, unlike Gel Medium which I do like to use just made this observation.

Now lift the image. You are done.

I now use my heat gun and dry the paper. Nice thing about Pine Sol is it doesn’t leave an oily stain on your paper which is what I was worried about.

Here are some other examples of the transfers here.

A tag, a Moo and an ATC.

Here is the finished ATC with the girl with the butterfly wings. I added a bit more to it since this pic but not much and of course dried now after hitting it with the heat gun.

Wasn’t that fun and so easy and something you may already have in the house.

I also tried Isopropryl Alcohol and it works but I found it wasn’t quite co operative with the colours, it sort of changed them and the image was not as clear most ghostly.

Thanks to Roni for her discovery for the Orange Cleaner and here is my discovery using Pine Sol.

Hope you enjoyed this, I would love to hear your feedback and would love to see your results.

Happy Creating ♥
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