Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Post holidays and illness

Hello Blogger friends,
 I missed wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and New Year but it was spent in hospital for a couple of weeks. I went in the 22nd of December and did not get out til Jan 08/13.  It was a very scary time for us and one day I will explain but I am still trying to deal with issues and still have a long recovery so for now please know that I am recouping at home and still have some tests that need to be done.
I apologize for not responding to Face book, emails and mail that some of you sent but I was not able and surely know that I appreciate those that did contact me. Your thoughts and prayers have been helpful in my recovery.
I hope that in time I can return to a somewhat normal life and continue to create and be part of blog land.
I did do some sketching while in hospital and I even gave some away to those that touched me while I was there. Some even came daily to see what I was doing next. I found it a great healing and dealing with what had happened to me and a way to express myself during down days.
I have missed you all and hope to be back in full swing soon.


  1. You will be in my prayers . . .
    God bless you and speed recovery :)

    Get lots of rest,
    Your blogging sister, Connie

    1. Thank you so much Connie. It is going to be a long process.

  2. Thinking of you Lesley, art is a wonderful way of letting your feelings out. Take all the time you need, we will all be here when you are fit enough to return, hugs Annette x

  3. love you les xoxoxoox just keep on getting better ...hugs xoxoxo

  4. Hope you soon feel better! Big hugs, Valerie

  5. Rest up dear Les... take care... thinking of you... and yes... keep drawing...

    love lots
    Jenny ♥

  6. Take care Lesley, we will look forward to your return to the blogging community. Meanwhile do what you have to do to get well again.

  7. Been missing you my friend. I hope you are getting better and will be back to normal as soon as possible. Take care, and know that you're in my thoughts and prayers. :)

  8. Time is our friend Les. Sending best healing wishes your way. I love that you are drawing. Hugs, smiles, and when you are in the blog saddle once again, art friend, I look forward to sharing. Norma, xo
