Sunday, December 9, 2012

paper circles and buttons...oh my

Well I have you guessing and I bet you still don't know what I am talking about.
I thought of this after receiving a wonderful ornament swap from my friend Cathy over at TolenTreasures blog. Cathy is a very talented lady and can tackle almost any task. She makes beautiful penny rug runners and  ornaments and I thought well why not make some out of paper. Although there is no sewing at all involved but I thought how cute would these look tied to a Christmas gift or a few on a simple country Christmas card. This is just how I made mine and I wanted to share how easy and fun they are, and, a good way to use up those scraps you hate to throw out.

What you need, scraps of paper, ink pad but not necessary, scissors, a fine tip black marker, I used paper buttons because I have a die I use in my Cuttlebug but you could use real buttons or some other embellishment, a hole punch if tying to a gift and some string.

I used containers to make my circles and traced around them on my scrap pieces of paper and cut out. 
 If you want to ink your edges of the circles do so now, I forgot to take a pic but you know how to do that then take the scissors, open them up and run the inside of them on the edges of your circles to distress the paper but not tear it. I like how it almost gives the look of fabric to the this to all your circles.
 Now take your fine tip Sharpie black marker and do a faux blanket stitch all round the circle. I came in just a bit from the edge so it looks like it has been sewn. Do this to all circles.
 Next, glue small circle to large the add your button. So fun and easy and don't they look so cute. Some of the buttons I put off to the side a bit on the inner circle to make it look a little more handmade and not so perfect.
 Then I decided to make a few tags and added To and From on the back, I will punch a hole and add a bit of bakers twine and add to my gifts. As mentioned above you could make these a bit smaller and make a lovely card. Don't limit yourself to Christmas, make any occasion with different types of card stock. I will add that the heavier card stock I like the best especially when distressing with the scissors. 
Have fun and hope you enjoyed this little paper penny tutorial. Fast easy and oh so cute.
TTFN ♥♥♥


  1. oh you are right, this so cute and easy :)tFS

  2. They are gorgeous Les... very cute... and I love the faux stitching...

    Jenny ♥

  3. Nice idea, they really do look like fabric! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Very cute Les. ALso thanks for addding the follow by email, I don't always get to all the blogs, so now I will never miss a post from you! Yippee Skippee!

  5. These are very sweet Les...I do love anything with a button! TFS x

  6. Love 'em! What a fabby idea you have come up with. I will be renewing my tag stash with a lot of these! Hugs,

  7. You just keep sharing the cutest ideas . . .
    I love your site!
    Merry Christmas
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)
